157: Personal Stuff

Tim and Brady discuss Peter Haran (1948-2025), a new licence plate, a very special asteroid, and things named after people.

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Peter Haran - https://www.bradyharanblog.com/blog/peter-haran-1948-2025

Brady’s videos with Peter - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLky6yurD40o4ul8xen0x-BKBKCCkMpgrD

Tim’s licence plate pic gallery - https://www.unmade.fm/episode-157-pictures

Plus see a video of it being attached in the YouTube version of this episode - https://www.youtube.com/@unmadepodcast

Asteroid 46925 Bradyharan - https://www.bradyharanblog.com/blog/an-asteroid-named-bradyharan

Brady’s video about the asteroid - https://youtu.be/VLLrHQVMx64

Catch the bonus Request Room episode - https://www.patreon.com/unmadeFM

Information about getting the Request Room into your podcast feed (for patrons) - https://bit.ly/3uQWhNz