Episode 54 Picture Guide

You can also click here for the more extensive list of Patreon ‘Best’ Pictures - there were MANY we didn’t have time to discuss but they’re great. (You’ll also fine more details about each picture there)

And here for more comet pictures by Brady.

Comet Neowise

Comet Neowise

International Space Station

International Space Station

The Best Photo Tim Ever Took

The Best Photo Tim Ever Took

Brady’s 8848 Photo

Brady’s 8848 Photo

Marcel’s Matterhorn

Marcel’s Matterhorn

From Ryan - Matterhorn we think?

From Ryan - Matterhorn we think?

From Spencer

From Spencer

Clara’s lightning bolt

Clara’s lightning bolt

From Jason

From Jason

Babymetal by Jake

Babymetal by Jake

Tim’s Midnight Oil picture

Tim’s Midnight Oil picture

Tim’s Nick Cave picture

Tim’s Nick Cave picture

A food pic from Brandon

A food pic from Brandon

Nick’s lift picture

Nick’s lift picture

Drone shot from Andrew

Drone shot from Andrew

Drone from Tadas

Drone from Tadas

Joshua Tree from Alex

Joshua Tree from Alex

Submarine from Will

Submarine from Will

From Madeleine

From Madeleine

From Erasto

From Erasto

Matterhorn on Storyblocks

Matterhorn on Storyblocks

Ama Dablam on the way to Everest, by Brady

Ama Dablam on the way to Everest, by Brady